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Quick Inventory keybinds needed for primary weapon, secondary weapon, and sidearm.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Initially I created a forum post about this, but I have been told to make a post here instead.

Why is there no quick way to switch to a specific weapon?

I know in ArmA3 there is now the 'next weapon' & 'previous weapon binds. And binds for switching between rifle/sidearm or rifle/launcher. But that's not what I mean. I have buttons the can directly pull up my watch, GPS, compass, etc. Items not inherently critical to my survival in a gunfight. But when I want to switch between my primary weapon, sidearm, or launcher I have to either scroll menu it or switch through the group.

With the cool new inventory system, your primary, sidearm, and secondary weapons are clearly defined visually. So why not set it up that you can keybind switching to those slots directly? My recommendation would be the 1, 2, & 3 number buttons on the top of the keyboard.

We already use the ` key to toggle between command mode, why not have it setup that it will toggle those three between quick inventory & radio buttons? It would remove the last significant barrier for new user, while make the play experience more fluid. If I was out in the field, I wouldn't have to think, "OK, I want to switch weapons, now which one should I use." No, if I wanted my pistol I'd sling my rifle and grab it. Same with my secondary weapon.

Further, when playing multiplayer most of us use VOIP or in-game chat. So the loss of these 3 buttons as default radio options isn't that big of a hurt. And with a key that will let me toggle them for 'Radio on' wouldn't be that big of a step to get used to if I needed them.

This is really my only issue with ArmA3. I think it's a small step/change that would take a really good game, and make it a GREAT one.


Legacy ID
Feature Request
Additional Information

The thread I started to discuss this can be found here:

Event Timeline

dogma04 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 13 2013, 3:25 AM
dogma04 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
dogma04 set Category to Feature Request.
dogma04 set Reproducibility to Always.
dogma04 set Severity to Feature.
dogma04 set Resolution to Duplicate.
dogma04 set Legacy ID to 1541986009.May 7 2016, 12:28 PM

This suggestion was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.

Configured keys and modifyers wold be good.
As in ACE maybe. Thank you

Duplicate of high voted ticket #4497.