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Weapon/some vehicle textures incorrect
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When loading up the infantry showcase. the textures on the gun are replaced by light blue or white squares for most of the gun. A few of the textures are normal but most are replaced or not loading. This also happens on the helicopter showcase for the exterior and interior of helicopter. More of a side note but is the background animation on the main menu supposed to flicker and look like a cc tv broadcast? just curious, im pretty sure it is. but just checking. {F17942}


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Additional Information

Ive attached a screenshot of the issue. Im running an AMD 1090t, sapphire HD6950 FLEX, 8 gigs of ram, gigabyte 990fxa motherboard.

Event Timeline

StOoNgAtSa edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
StOoNgAtSa set Category to Visual-Weapons.
StOoNgAtSa set Reproducibility to Always.
StOoNgAtSa set Severity to Feature.
StOoNgAtSa set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
StOoNgAtSa set Legacy ID to 1836447930.May 7 2016, 12:27 PM
  1. Check your drivers
  2. Disable SLI/Crossfire (if you have it)

Also yes, the main menu is intended to look like a CCTV broadcast since it's a UAV TV transmission :)

drives are up to date and i only have one graphics card

Legion added a subscriber: Legion.May 7 2016, 12:27 PM

I have the same issue. Nothing seems to have fixed it.

Unable to reproduce in the latest dev build. Since this issue has not received any attention in a long time, it is assumed to be fixed.

If you are still able to reproduce it, please create a ticket asking for this one to be re-opened.