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V "step-over" clipping through container doors/wallsc
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Walk up to a container, press V when running into it, and you'll clip into or out of containers. I got into quite by accident, I don't remember pressing V to get in, but getting out just press V while running into the walls or the doors.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

L33CHW33D edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 9 2013, 3:53 PM
L33CHW33D edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
L33CHW33D set Category to Movement.
L33CHW33D set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
L33CHW33D set Severity to Minor.
L33CHW33D set Resolution to Duplicate.
L33CHW33D set Legacy ID to 3652010332.May 7 2016, 11:58 AM

You can also clip into containers by walking backwards into them and turning around quickly. managed to reproduce it a couple of times but only with a pistol.

My own Copypasta over from another related post on this issue: (

Camp Rogain appears to be good testing ground for this bug. It contains both cargo containers and the "Military Cargo HQ V1" mentioned, all of which can be vaulted through. Looking down towards the ground and using the Q and E keys to lean left and right while "stepping over" stuff appears to help in pushing through objects.

Also, while facing the wall of the Military Cargo HQ, you can use the "step over" key to push your weapon barrell through the wall and fire off a few shots inside! :P