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When swiming, changing weapon gets locked into unusable rifle
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Steam Alpha 0.5.102571

When you are swimming and attempt to change to pistol, you remain holding the rifle plus it no longer shoots. You are locked into this and can not change back to a working rifle. When you leave the water the pistol immediately appears and then you are able to swap back to a working rifle.


Legacy ID
Swimming and Diving
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Place a BLUFOR diver in the water as player and launch preview.
  2. Press the "Switch gun / handgun" key. (";" by default)
  3. Weapon display in the top right goes empty, rifle becomes unusable.

Event Timeline

Alx edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 9 2013, 11:47 AM
Alx edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Alx set Category to Swimming and Diving.
Alx set Reproducibility to Always.
Alx set Severity to Minor.
Alx set Resolution to Open.
Alx set Legacy ID to 3824092610.May 7 2016, 11:56 AM
Hanz added a subscriber: Hanz.May 7 2016, 11:56 AM
Hanz added a comment.May 29 2013, 1:23 PM

We could not reproduce this bug.

Please let us know if you are still able to reproduce this issue in latest
Development build. Thank you.

Alx added a subscriber: Alx.May 7 2016, 11:56 AM
Alx added a comment.May 29 2013, 9:11 PM

Yes, I have just tried this again with build 59.105814

On the scuba mission; when I enter the water, I can fire the rifle. If I choose to change weapon to pistol (using keyboard), nothing happens and I loose the ability to shoot the rifle. In addition, scroll menus now no longer work. When I exit the water, I immediately swap to pistol and can now fire. If I then enter the water with the pistol, it disappears from my view and I can not fire or swap back to rifle.

I can also reproduce this in the latest dev build.

  1. Place a BLUFOR diver in the water as player and launch preview.
  2. Press the "Switch gun / handgun" key. (";" by default)
  3. Weapon display in the top right goes empty, rifle becomes unusable.

However, pressing the "Next weapon" key brought back the normal rifle modes, enabling me to shoot again.

Hanz added a comment.May 30 2013, 9:06 AM

This issue was processed by our team and will be looked into.