This is merely a suggestion or a vent to let you know that the existing feedback system you provide, this at is really annoying to use in so many ways.
I've personally used this system at work half a century back and it was the first system I threw out of the window. Never hoped to have to use it again.
Some flaws:
- Incredible bad UI for finding anything on the bug report fields. It all cluttered an unorganized
- E-Mail notification sends THE WHOLE report every time a comment is made. Within this email, the last change/comment made is at the bottom. That's absolutely not the way it should be. You should only get a blurb of the report, a summary of the changes made and a link to the bugtracker
- You can't upload screenshots *with* comments. I mean, the comments are separated from the screenshots completely. But sometimes you need to give description to a specific screenshot.
- This is nitpicking, but it's 2013: upload form button for screenshots is nice, but drag and drop is expected IMHO.
- No matter what I do, screenshots are always prompted me for download when try to view them from a report. Should be simply opened in the browser and be done with it
- Votes are nice for expressing user concerns, but AFAIK there's not way to sort report by vote, which, for a community system, is essential
- Don't get me started on the search page at . Yes, it provide options, but presents it in a way so retro. All changeable things should be right there for me to manipulate, not requiring an extra click.
- No suggestion for duplicates, really hard to first search and trying to see if there are existing reports similar
- No capability to use any kind of formatting, say markdown or similar. Ok, maybe not that necessary but they have been invented for reason and can be usable
I'm not suggesting to use something big like e.g. BugZilla, but at least they get important things right related to communication, email notification, quoting of comments and such. Achja, and don't use things like getcrapisfcation either ;)
Thing is, I really try to use the system, but it annoys me every time that I'm really turned off and although I'm motivated to contribute I'm hindered by this archaic system you put in place.
I realize nothings gonna change now. But please keep this for the future. Hire some designated people only responsible for application management and you will see an increase in your customers and users happiness.
Thanks for listening to my rant. Arma3 is still awesome :-)