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Eye Adaptation (From Light to Darkness) is too quick.
Reviewed, LowPublic


If we go from the outdoors on a bright sunny day into a very dimly lit room, we are hardly able to see our surroundings at first. As time goes by, however, we gradually become able to detect the room's contents. It typically takes between 20 and 30 minutes to reach its maximum, depending on the intensity of light exposure in the previous surroundings. In the game right now, when switching from NVGs back to normal sight, this happens within seconds! It should take longer, maybe not 20 or 30 minutes as in real life, but there needs to be an element of realism to this aspect I think. I'd put my vote in for 45 to 60 seconds, letting the game slowly fade in light once the NVGs are removed.


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iDrake edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 8 2013, 7:16 AM
iDrake edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
iDrake set Category to Balancing.
iDrake set Reproducibility to Always.
iDrake set Severity to Feature.
iDrake set Resolution to Open.
iDrake set Legacy ID to 1604076163.May 7 2016, 11:41 AM

i think that lights don't even have an effect on how you see in game. when you switch the lights of a car on ingame you can still see the shadowy outline of the car where as in real life you would be blind and unable to see anything beyond the light

10T added a subscriber: 10T.May 7 2016, 11:41 AM
10T added a comment.Mar 14 2013, 9:02 AM

The bulk of the adjustment *does* happen in seconds. That's what the iris is for.
On the whole, though - I do agree. Maximum adaptation to low light should take 10-15 minutes, but I'd hope ~50% would be achieved within 10 seconds, and ~75% within 1 minute. The numbers are obviously rough, but I hope it illustrates the response curve I'd expect.

Or someone could get a graph of how we really do it (the next trick is to make the screen the correct brightness to make the player's actual perception due to their meatspace eyes adapting along with the character's eyes. But that would require detailed knowledge of the ambient light in the room with the monitor and the size and brightness of the screen. An elaborate and ridiculous peripheral or webcam with OpenCV could do the job. But that's taking things too far).

Ditto with 10T. And, everybody is different.

However, the majority should be able to more quickly adapt, unlike how the game currently similuates an extremely slow adaption -- as if somebody shined a bright flashlight in your eyes and you were stupid enough to stare at the light!

If anything, the adaption to darkness should be significantly faster. (ie. 1-2 seconds, with an increase for making out darker contrasts after no more than a minute or so -- or realistically, I think it's about five minutes. Reference Astromony guidelines for eye dark adaptation. And, if everybody uses adaptive nighttime lighting such as red lights, we shouldn't have much slow adaption at all, except for the aircraft collision lights, etc.)

Khan added a subscriber: Khan.May 7 2016, 11:41 AM
Khan added a comment.May 7 2013, 3:17 PM

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