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Vehicle Showcase mission cannot complete
Closed, ResolvedPublic


On the ex-filtrate part of the mission, right at the end. The boat doesn't allow me to climb in and finish the mission, even though its the only active task I have. I have loaded from my save half way through, still same problem. I haven't tried restarting entirely.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Additional Information

I have a save file but I'm not sure where the file is or how to upload it.

Event Timeline

begin66 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 7 2013, 4:28 PM
begin66 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
begin66 set Category to Gameplay.
begin66 set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
begin66 set Severity to Block.
begin66 set Resolution to Suspended.
begin66 set Legacy ID to 4135691047.May 7 2016, 11:26 AM
Havok added a subscriber: Havok.May 7 2016, 11:26 AM
Havok added a comment.Mar 7 2013, 4:31 PM

I was experiencing this but finally the soldier walked over and hopped in the driver's seat and I was allowed on as passenger.

I tried waiting about 5 minutes (I thought Viper Green was going to show up eventually), started shooting at the water with my gun and got killed by curios enemies... ally didn't even respond to enemies standing next to him

Edit: 3rd time I've tried, still no luck.. my ally is actually floating above the ground, it looks like he is standing but his feet are waving in the air... Also tried shooting him in the foot, he doesn't even feel it, also had to try bandaging him a few times before it actually worked

Havok added a comment.Mar 7 2013, 4:49 PM

That's odd. Try putting a round in his foot. Maybe that'll jumpstart him or something. If all else fails I guess just try a complete restart of the mission.

EDIT: Oops guess you already tried shooting him!

Same problem here as with begin66.
I attached the save file.

Please let us know in note section if you are still able to reproduce this issue in latest Developement build. Thank you.

Closing due to lack of information / no response in a long time.

If this issue is still reproducable for you, please create a new ticket and make sure to include all necessary info / files.