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Whilst driving hunter vehicle with teammates on board - we got teleported.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The 'blink' or 'teleport' happened on the escape co-op mission as we were driving up a hill. The vehicle teleported about 100 metres away. There was a short lag before it happened and my buddies were teleported away from the vehicle too. When I reached the same area, there was a clone of the vehicle on that very spot.


Legacy ID
Unable To Duplicate
Unable To Reproduce

Event Timeline

Dalibor edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 7 2013, 10:53 AM
Dalibor edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Dalibor set Category to Engine.
Dalibor set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
Dalibor set Severity to Major.
Dalibor set Resolution to Unable To Duplicate.
Dalibor set Legacy ID to 3510684661.May 7 2016, 11:22 AM

Please let us know in note section if you are still able to reproduce this issue in latest Developement build.

Closing due to lack of feedback. If this issue is still reproducable for you, please create a new ticket for it or ask for this one to be re-opened.