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Bouncing anti-personnel mine makes barely any damage
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The bouncing anti-personnel mine has unrealistically low damage value. You can even walk after one has exploded 2 meters away from your torso, even if you didn't have any protective gear on you! In reality, the victims within instant proximity should die immediately or at least become critically wounded.


Legacy ID
Not A Bug
Health System
Steps To Reproduce

Place a bouncing anti-personnel mine on the ground in the editor. Place e.g. a civilian (no body armour) next to the mine, preview and run on the mine. You can walk after the detonation of mine.

Event Timeline

Ezcoo edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 7 2013, 5:09 AM
Ezcoo edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Ezcoo set Category to Health System.
Ezcoo set Reproducibility to Always.
Ezcoo set Severity to Tweak.
Ezcoo set Resolution to Not A Bug.
Ezcoo set Legacy ID to 615956858.May 7 2016, 11:18 AM
hendy added a subscriber: hendy.May 7 2016, 11:18 AM
hendy added a comment.Mar 7 2013, 5:34 AM

I also find this with most mines like the trip wire only thing that seems to work is the slams

Bouncing mine "jump" to early, it need to jump after the soldier step on it.
For example when the soldiers foot do no longer put presure on the mine, it need to jump.

Suggestion..: correction of time before "activating mine" by ½ - 1 secound.

  • In real life once such a mine jump a thin wire that is attached to the burried mine and the jumping part will make the jumping part detonate once the whire get stretched to example 1½ meter...

It remind me about a person who where mine clearning.. He stepped on one of these and it jumped right up into his balls... But it did not explode since it could not jump high enough so the wire could detonate the jumping wire.... autch..

In general all the mines need to be configured, they explode to early.
For example the old big Tank mine explode before the vehicle touch it, or several sec after.

Iratus added a subscriber: Iratus.May 7 2016, 11:18 AM

I can not confirm this. One APERS Bounding mine usualy kills a complete fireteam. "Normal" APERS mines tend to kill the unfortunate one that steped on them.

Migt be related to the difficulty settings? I used Elite difficulty while testing it. (Version was 0.50.102571)

The bouncing anti-personnel mine has unrealistically low damage value. You can even walk after one has exploded 2 meters away from your torso, even if you didn't have any protective gear on you! In reality, the victims within instant proximity should die immediately or at least become critically wounded.

  • Which difficulty you were please running the game? Recruit has special armor bonus that fences off most of the explosions. Please specify.

Please specify the difficulty (recruit/regular/veteran/elite). You find them under Main menu -> Options-> Game -> Difficulty. Property that affects this feature is called "extended armor". If it is enabled, explosives are weak, as you describe.

B00tsy added a subscriber: B00tsy.May 7 2016, 11:18 AM

I can confirm this too, you can walk over 3 AP mines and still be alive.

Ezcoo added a subscriber: Ezcoo.May 7 2016, 11:18 AM
Ezcoo added a comment.Mar 13 2013, 5:24 PM

It seems so that I was running on Regular difficulty level and the extented armor was enabled. I'm unable to test with other settings due to the bug that resets your changes to difficulty settings everytime when using dev build (more info here

Ezcoo added a comment.Apr 15 2013, 8:03 PM

Seems to work in 0.54.103597. With extended armor a civilian character can walk over 2 bounding APERS mines (dies if got hit by third one), without extended armor the civilian character dies from the first mine.

The injury is fatal on higher difficulty settings.

Mass close.