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E on helicopter control pushes cyclic forward.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The E key while flying a helicopter moves the cyclic forward, and I cannot unbind this function.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Simply press E while in a helicopter. I've removed E from every other binding from the other control sections, but that (not surprisingly)did not fix anything.

Additional Information

Arma 3 is shaping up awesome! Great work guys!

Event Timeline

KareemOWheat edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
KareemOWheat set Category to Controls.
KareemOWheat set Reproducibility to Always.
KareemOWheat set Severity to Minor.
KareemOWheat set Resolution to Duplicate.
KareemOWheat set Legacy ID to 20978315.May 7 2016, 11:17 AM
KareemOWheat added a subscriber: KareemOWheat.

Didn't see that this was already reported, sorry!

I have found the source of the problem and a fix to it. The problem is that 'e' is set as the key-binding for helicopter fast forward, but this can't be found in the control menu at the moment. BIS please either remove 'e' as the default binding or add it to the control menu.

To fix:

  1. Go to C:\Users\Yourname\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\YourProfileName and open the file called YourProfileName.Arma3AlphaProfile with notepad (Double click the file and choose 'select a program from the list' Then choose a word processor like notepad)
  2. Press Control+F or scroll and find the line keyHeliFastForward[]={18};
  3. Delete the '18' part or replace the line with this: keyHeliFastForward[]={};
  4. Save file
  5. Fly helicopters as normal!

Duplicate of #0000194.