When I raise the collective with the default Q key I gain altitude the normal way. But if I bind a joystick-key to the same action the chopper won't raise at the same speed making it impossible to fly full speed/fly over hills without losing ALL speed. And if I bind 2 joystick keys to raise the collective it goes a littile bit faster but still not as fast as pressing Q. And the exact same is for lowering the collective.
The joystick in question is a Thrustmaster T16000m. Iam quite sure its not a settings thing because I already tweeked those "controls+sensetivities" into my liking and there was nothing in there what looked like it could cause my problem.
My joystick has a slider aswell and that one is working perfectly when I bind to collective raise/lower "analogue".
So please fix or tell me what I am doing wrong because I want to fly fast over the mountains and I want to be able to brake and land in a normal way aswell! :)