Dear DayZ devs team,
I hope you're doing well.
I'm writing to report a serious issue occurring on a PlayStation server of DayZ, where a group of players is intentionally crashing the server and disrupting the gameplay for everyone.
Here's the details of the incident.
Server: DE-8621 on PlayStation consoles
Date & Time: First crash was on Friday March 14, in the afternoon. Server gets recovered around 2:30 AM (UTC+1) and second crash happens less than two hours after recover, probably around 4:15 AM (UTC+1). From that day, server was continually attacked as soon as possible when he gets on.
Description of the issue: This is not an isolated incident but a planned and repeated attack by a small group of players. I suppose a group of German players who plays on this serv. Take a look at screenshots in attachement ; they premeditated the serv crash with some messages 10 minutes before crashing : "Crash serv incoming boys <3" "Bye bye server :'("...
Additionally, they build a base near the south spawn area, where they duplicate items and kill all fresh spawn players walking nearly... I receive some screenshots of them but I can't read them because all their messages have been deleted by playstation safety group after multiple reports.
Players involved:
Please, let me know if you need additional details.
A lot of these players have already been reported several times to PlayStation, but they use alternative accounts to continue to disrupt the game.
This behavior is severely affecting the server and ruining the experience for all legitimate players. Immediate action is needed to investigate their activities and stop further abuse.
As you already know, every player on an official server invests a great deal of time joining their friends, surviving, gearing up, and building a base… and this is exactly our case. We are truly disheartened to see that such incidents can happen so easily.It feels incredibly unfair to us, as we play fairly and without using any glitches. These players are destroying the soul of the game, I really hope you understand this.
I truly appreciate all the work you do to keep DayZ running, but I believe the servers need to be reinforced to prevent crashes and item duplication exploits.
Also, the drastic reduction of the numbers of servers has made it much harder to find a stable place to play. Right now, players are struggling between overcrowded servers (with endless queue times), dupers, glitchers, and hackers (booting/ddos attack) ; making the experience really frustrating for legitimates players. With fewer servers available, it's becoming nearly impossible to escape these issues and just enjoy the game.
I truly hope you can consider expanding the server capacity or taking stronger action against exploiters to improve the gameplay experience.
Players who abuse these glitches are ruining the experience for everyone, and a stricter enforcement - such as banning them across all platforms - would also help to maintain a fair and enjoyable game.
Thank you for your dedication to the community.
I hope these issues can be resolved soon !
Thank's a lot for your time and support.
Sincerely yours,
Florian - xPlumy (PSN).