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1.27 Experimental Server Access violation. Illegal read by 0x7ffd6bf0a9b0 at 0x28b00000011
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Hello, prior to 1.27 my server has functioned properly. 0 CRASHES. After 1.27 update, the server ran fine for about 2 weeks. Since 03/08 the server has been crashing non stop whenever a single player joins, they get about 10 minutes of play and the server crashes. There are 0 crashes when no one is online.

After the experimental update was pushed and there were a few positive posts about it solving the crashes I updated my server to experimental branch but that doesnt seem to be the case at all. As it stands, my server cannot be played on whatsoever.

I am willing to provide whatever results in this being solved
I have at least a hundred of these, but here are the most recent


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Server starts
Player joins
Player does anything(or even nothing, I joined for 10 minutes, stood completely still and server still crashed)
Server crashes

Additional Information

Its could also be worth noting that these "Access violation. Illegal ready by #x###" errors have different numbers and letters in them in most crash logs.
Here are some of the few that I have seen-
0x7ff7e22cc3f2 at 0xffffffffffffffff
0xc0000374 at 0x7ffa1c0a3509
0x7ff6c5116c38 at 0xffffffffffffffff
0x7ffd6bf0a9b0 at 0x28b00000011
0x7ff6c9f45043 at 0x7ffd14f224a8
I could continue to list them, and will upon request.

Event Timeline

Toggy created this task.Sun, Mar 16, 2:51 AM
Toggy edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Sun, Mar 16, 3:02 AM
Toggy updated the task description. (Show Details)
Toggy edited Additional Information. (Show Details)