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Game Version number: N/A
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**Issue Description:
Currently proper medic game play does not appear to exist in the way you guys seem to have envisioned it in your marketing material.
A possible fix could be to allow xp for doing medic actions on other people and introduce a new state for corpses (note this is after the player has died and or re spawned) called "Critically wounded". In this state the corpse retains the wounds that the player had and a timer starts of say 3 - 10 mins (could be adjustable depending on server load)** the corpse can be stabilized with bandages and saline, then loaded into an ambulance and brought back to a hospital.
doing so will provide the medic with xp (could make it similar to the amount of xp you get from delivering a bunch of supplies to keep it engaging) to keep it balanced set a minimum distance the critically wounded body has to travel before xp is granted so people don't get xp for submitting base defenders.
if you wanted to go the extra mile you could even make submitting the soldier provide an amount of supplies (maybe max 100 per soldier) to further incentivize this game play loop (once again using a minimum distance traveled mechanic so you don't get supply for delivering a base defender to the same base)