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Cheater killed me and my friend on a vanilla server simultaneously when we were really far from eachother killed both off of us around 5;30 pm mountain standard time to 6 mt time then finally got back to our base that we spent 2 weeks building 3 cars and everything is now gone all cars all the loot we had 4 car tents full of stuff big base we spent 3 days building with everything we gathered since wipe im very new to the game does not make me want to play this was a very un pleasurable experience got back to base and everything was dug up he obviously knew where everything was buried and took everything weve gathered and only left scraps i understand it can be broken into but literally double laired everything and some how still managed to pack up four tents and everything possible out of the ground and knew where everything was this dude took us out in 2 seconds and we were 500 meters away from eachother game id is dinotriggerking and terror billy was my friend playing with me im not sure if there is a way to check and investigate defintely the most sus thing ive ever seen happen in that short amount of time and on top of that to move all that stuff dig it up and break the base down is very unlikely is there is anyway to review the server and on the map we were set up all the way down by the end of the river by the edge of the map on topolon side and i mean the very end