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Список проблем негативно влияющий на желание играть в эту игру.
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1- Such a strong help in the game for beginners who played 10 times and left the game because of its other shortcomings or for some other reasons, while this negatively affects the desire to play exactly those players who want and have been playing this game for a long time. But playing by the principle of starting a fight for the sake of a victim for a beginner player who kills you in the head with a pistol at a distance of 1 kilometer does not give pleasure to anyone, despite the fact that this is very pronounced and very clearly noticeable to almost all players (this is not fair, you are losing your main audience).
This is one of the painful things in this game, which makes it disgusting.

2- Dear developers, players want to play the game, and not sit and make consumables in the amount of 1, even when there are drawings for items, why can't you make a lot at once with a drawing, for example, for resources if it is not possible to do it for a part? This takes a lot of time and also makes the game tedious and boring
I can say the same about weapons, having blueprints and a fully built water distiller where it is built instantly, why do you need to wait 4 hours for one weapon, everyone will run out of resources anyway exactly when they do everything, but the game will become easier and more interesting.
3-server instability, constant delay from 110 to 450, and at the same time there is still help for beginners, how to play at all, have you tried it yourself? 😂

4- Damage is generally a nuclear mixture, especially after your last two seasons with a complete rework of the game. Healing materials can simply be removed from the game altogether, since the damage is simply enormous and you are killed immediately and you no longer need to be treated. The player wants to fight for loot in such a specific game, and not come and die from someone who has help for newbies or better ping, the correct damage balance could compensate for this and make the game more interesting, about sniper rifles everything is clear here, a kill with one shot, because what is the point of it then 👍

5- They removed the crosshairs from the weapons, it also made the game less interesting, since this weapon simply became spoiled, useless and they stopped using it 🤷🏻‍♂️

This is the main part of the gross omissions that A LOT OF PLAYERS are talking about

Something is happening for the better, but the main thing that makes everyone negative is that for some reason you don’t want to change it🤷🏻‍♂️

And I wonder how long the payback mechanic for season 14 will hang in the title?

We expect from you truly worthwhile changes in this game that will make it fair to all players, and not just to your interests🤝


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