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Dispatch / proxy chances not working
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It's my understanding that in the mapgroupproto.xml file, when setting up "dispatch" groups, there is an overall 'dechance' value that denotes the probability of that dispatch spawning anything, then within that dispatch group there are nested proxies each with their own dechance that act as a kind of ratio for how likely one of the items is to spawn within that dispatch group.

However, regardless of the dechance values set, every item has a 100% chance of spawning every time.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Here's the code I've used to test, using the new lockable containers.

		<group name="Land_ContainerLocked_Blue_DE" lootmax="9">
				<usage name="BlueContainer"/>
				<container name="lootFloor" lootmax="9">
						<category name="tools" />
						<tag name="floor" />
						<tag name="shelves" />
						<tag name="ground" />
				<dispatch dechance="0.3">
					<proxy type="NailBox" pos="1.280762 -1.055738 0.534241" rpy="90.000000 128.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.9" />
					<proxy type="M79" pos="1.280762 -1.055738 0.534241" rpy="90.000000 243.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.1" />
				<dispatch dechance="0.3">
					<proxy type="NailBox" pos="-2.489868 -1.055738 -0.568787" rpy="90.000000 155.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.9" />
					<proxy type="ScientificBriefcaseKeys" pos="-2.489868 -1.055738 -0.568787" rpy="90.000000 353.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.1" />
				<dispatch dechance="0.3">
					<proxy type="NailBox" pos="1.435303 -1.055738 -0.435181" rpy="90.000000 101.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.8" />
					<proxy type="ShippingContainerKeys_Yellow" pos="1.435303 -1.055738 -0.435181" rpy="90.000000 239.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.1" />
					<proxy type="ShippingContainerKeys_Orange" pos="1.435303 -1.055738 -0.435181" rpy="90.000000 189.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.07" />
					<proxy type="ShippingContainerKeys_Red" pos="1.435303 -1.055738 -0.435181" rpy="90.000000 140.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.03" />
				<dispatch dechance="0.3">
					<proxy type="NailBox" pos="-1.784058 -1.055738 0.510315" rpy="90.000000 95.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.9" />
					<proxy type="BookDeLorigineDesEspces" pos="-1.784058 -1.055738 0.510315" rpy="90.000000 314.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.017" />
					<proxy type="BookLesCorneilles" pos="-1.784058 -1.055738 0.510315" rpy="90.000000 6.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.017" />
					<proxy type="BookLleMystrieuse" pos="-1.784058 -1.055738 0.510315" rpy="90.000000 207.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.017" />
					<proxy type="BookSunsetPass" pos="-1.784058 -1.055738 0.510315" rpy="90.000000 115.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.017" />
					<proxy type="BookTheShunnedHouse" pos="-1.784058 -1.055738 0.510315" rpy="90.000000 47.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.016" />
					<proxy type="BookUlysses" pos="-1.784058 -1.055738 0.510315" rpy="90.000000 317.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.016" />
				<dispatch dechance="0.3">
					<proxy type="CigarettePack_Chernamorka" pos="2.228149 -1.055738 0.369354" rpy="90.000000 248.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.33" />
					<proxy type="CigarettePack_Merkur" pos="2.228149 -1.055738 0.369354" rpy="90.000000 129.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.33" />
					<proxy type="CigarettePack_Partyzanka" pos="2.228149 -1.055738 0.369354" rpy="90.000000 250.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.34" />
				<dispatch dechance="0.3">
					<proxy type="NailBox" pos="-0.109009 -1.055738 -0.011322" rpy="90.000000 98.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.9" />
					<proxy type="PunchedCard" pos="-0.109009 -1.055738 -0.011322" rpy="90.000000 310.000000 0.000000" dechance="0.1" />
				<dispatch dechance="0.3">
					<proxy type="NailBox" pos="-1.440674 -1.055738 -0.539337" rpy="90.000000 189.000000 0.000000" dechance="1.0" />
				<dispatch dechance="0.3">
					<proxy type="NailBox" pos="-2.695191 -1.055738 0.466858" rpy="90.000000 134.000000 0.000000" dechance="1.0" />
				<dispatch dechance="0.3">
					<proxy type="NailBox" pos="2.449341 -1.055738 -0.670532" rpy="90.000000 336.000000 0.000000" dechance="1.0" />

Each dispatch should only have a 30% chance of spawning, then within that there are multiple values that, when added up, equal 100%.

However, the end result is that every item spawns all the time.

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Traqu added a subscriber: Traqu.Sat, Mar 8, 2:47 PM
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