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(Possibly Bugged) 6B3 Body Armour now providing identical protection front and back
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Game Version number:
Modded?: (No)

Issue Description:
In the 6B3 vest is now offering identical damage reduction on the front and rear. In the 1.2 version of the game the 6B3 armour simulates the much lesser protection that the 6B3 has on the back and causes the wearer to take much more damage when shot in the back.

It may be an intended change (which I disagree with!), but this hasn't been explicitly stated.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

1. Use a target wearing the 6B3 body armour; I have used the M16A2 in my test.
2. Shoot target's front, between the breast.

  • Observe roughly 17% health damage is inflicted.

3. Shoot target's back, between the shoulders.

  • Observe roughly 17% health damage is inflicted again.

Compare this with the live version of the game (v1.2.1.202)
1. Shoot target wearing 6B3 with the M16A2
2. Shoot target's front, between the breast;

  • Observe roughly 9% health damage inflicted

3. Shoot target's back, between the shoulders;

  • Observe roughly 33% health damage is inflicted.
  • 6B3 is therefore offers MUCH less protection on the back (equal to the 6B2's front-plate).

This leads me to believe that the intended design is true-to-life: the 6B3 offers less protection on the back. This is simulated on the current live version of the game. The experimental branch is no longer simulating this and the back armour is erroneously offering the same level of protection as it does on the front.

Additional Information

I am making the assumption that the various armour tweaks made over multiple 1.3.X.X experimental patches are resulting in an INTENDED overall reduction in the protection which the 6B3 offers as observed in the difference between the front-plate damage reduction in (17% damage dealt) and the reduction in live (9% damage dealt).

The problem being observed here is not that the 6B3 is offering much less protection (this is very much needed in my opinion), but that the front and back hitboxes of the 6B3 are now offering identical protection, which is contrary to the current design of the armour in the live branch. As this change has not been explicitly stated as intended, I'm assuming this is indeed unintended.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Thu, Mar 6, 12:26 PM