Hello everyone,
I have noticed very strange things with the Navmesh in Exp.
This happens only on the world "Eden" and not on "Arland." When you load the world normally, everything is fine.
However, when you start a RebuildNavmesh (SCR_AiWorld) on a tile, a "snake" is created from tile 0,0 to the mainland.
As a result, significantly more tiles are processed than necessary. On location 0.0.0 only the regular PPE and Lightning is placed, no other Entitiys.
The Navmesh Config is regular "GM_Eden". I already removed SCR_AiWorld prefab from the map and placed it new, so all settings are default.
A Tile rebuild will be called from all "SlotBase" from ScenarioFramework.
Please see: https://youtu.be/g6IUb6lm3_E