Hello, feedback on the gun meta as it pertains to Chernarus and Livonia.
My primary focus is on submachine guns. UMP, Bizon, and MP5 specifically.
After my 10k hours across console and PC I have seen that myself and most other players skip these guns and ignore them entirely due to the fact that when you find them they are so often without a magazine or badly damaged.
And when you find these guns you have to weigh out the cost of carrying them to find the magazines and repair kits vs picking up the alternatives that are found in the same places.
For example if I find UMP with no mag at M B kamensk, due to the time, inventory space and places o have to travel it is more worth my efforts to collect AK mags ans ammo until I can find an ak in the same places I am looking to find UMP parts.
Players are much more likely to continue carrying a shotgun, sks or Ak variant for their assault scenarios.
However we would all be more likely to pickup a sub gun if it is able to be used more immediately.
My suggestion is to increase their likelihood of magazines and decrease the minimum damage they have to allow for more diverse gameplay.
Right now the meta in vanilla is Shotgun>ak/sks>556 assault weapons> FAL
Be nice to see more variations of gameplay.
Rarely do you see people in official rocking these mid tier guns due to it always being more worth it to opt for an AK or sks in the places they have to travel to put together a gun that isn’t better in nearly any scenario.