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Mouse and Items are Choppy in Inventory on XBOX and Less Responsive - Mouse Framerate Issue
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The mouse cursor in Dayz on mnk on Xbox is choppy when in higher framerate mode, and moving items in inventory is also choppy. It will at times not respond when managing inventory and the mouse cursor will be at a different and worse framerate than the game, which makes it feel very sluggish and difficult to navigate inventory


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Go into inventory when on mouse and keyboard while running performance/120 fps mode

Event Timeline

Ryanopuffs renamed this task from Mouse is Choppy in Inventory on XBOX and Less Responsive - Mouse Framerate Issue to Mouse and Items are Choppy in Inventory on XBOX and Less Responsive - Mouse Framerate Issue.Tue, Mar 4, 1:56 AM
Ryanopuffs updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ryanopuffs changed Category from General to Performance.
bloxi added a subscriber: bloxi.Tue, Mar 4, 2:08 AM

That sounds really frustrating! 😓 It seems like a possible issue with input lag or frame rate desync between the game and the cursor. Have you tried adjusting your Xbox display settings or lowering the frame rate mode to see if it improves? Hopefully, the devs address this in a future update!

This comment was removed by Ryanopuffs.

That sounds really frustrating! 😓 It seems like a possible issue with input lag or frame rate desync between the game and the cursor. Have you tried adjusting your Xbox display settings or lowering the frame rate mode to see if it improves? Hopefully, the devs address this in a future update!

I actually dont know how to lower fps, theres no video options on console. I have a 120 hz monitor so its automatically 120 frames when I play it seems like. Cursor feels like its in 30 fps or something