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6B2 Body Armour Possibly Broken
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Issue Description:
The Soviet's 6b2 armour seems to be seriously underperforming compared to the 1.2 version of the game. I assume this is a consequence of the tweaks that may have been directed to address the power of the 6b3. The PASGT is now outperforming the 6B2 in complete contrary to the 1.2 balance of the game.

It should also be noted that the front and rear of the 6B2 are performing identically, whereas the live version simulates the increased front-protection that the 6B2 offers the wearer. This leads me to believe that the calculations for the titanium plate have gone awry somewhere.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

1. Use a target wearing PASGT. Shoot at it with the AK-74.

  • V1.3.0.84: Actor receives roughly 36% health damage;
  • V1.2: actor receives roughly 39% health damage.

2. Use a target wearing 6B2. Shoot at it with the M16A2

  • V1.3.0.84: actor receives roughly 57% health damage;
  • V1.2: actor receives roughly 37% health damage.

3. Use a target wearing the 6B2 and shoot front and back of the armour

  • V1.3.84: the actor receives identical health damage;
  • V1.2: the actor receives less damage to the front, more damage to the back presumably simulating the difference in ballistic protection.
Additional Information

My assumption here is that the PASGT is modelled in Reforger as a singular kevlar material, whereas the 6B2 is titanium zone + underlying kevlar on the front with only kevlar on the back.

So it seems like the PASGT is performing similarly to the current live version of the game, whereas the 6B2 is performing noticeably worse.

This leads me to believe that the 6B2's titanium plate is not calculating intended armour resistance. However, if you shoot the 6b2 at an oblique angle, it still offers deflective properties, so it doesn't appear to be the case that the titanium plate is non-existent in the calculations.

All shots to the target are placed centre of the breast or between the shoulder blades on the back.

Event Timeline

it_is_Sunshine edited Additional Information. (Show Details)