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Streaming issues since upgrade from i9-9900K to AMD 9800x3d
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


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Game Version number: (Steam)
Modded?: No (official servers)

Issue Description: I have recently upgraded from an Intel i9-9900K to an AMD 9800x3d, and in this game only I am having weird streaming issues, objects streaming takes a long time, things look very low resolution / PS1-esque, it does resolve itself after about 30 seconds or so but it can also happen again in the same life after driving/travelling a long distance. I never had any issues on my old i9, GPU is 5080 (had the same GPU on my old CPU too so that's why I am thinking it's down to CPU)

Some screenshots:

Game is installed onto a 2TB NVME and it worked fine on this drive before the switch to AMD.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 11 PRO 24H2 10.0 Build 26100 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Load up the game, MP or SP doesn't matter

Event Timeline

hrzn94 created this task.Mon, Mar 3, 12:08 AM

I did some further testing on this by putting in my old 4070Ti and booted up the game, everything ran perfectly fine, so on that basis I would say it's isolated to the 5080 GPU, however, I initially ran the 5080 with my i9 for some weeks before I upgraded the motherboard / CPU / RAM too, so it seems it's a combination of the 9800x3d along with the 5080 which causes the issue.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Mon, Mar 3, 12:20 PM