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LA 5818 server repeatedly crashing
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The LA 5818 server has been repeatedly crashing every few minutes and kicks out up to almost everyone playing on it. After trying to join back the server the queue is around 20-30 people. This has been going on since the 1.27 update was released. 5818 is also one of the few servers that haven’t been full to the brim with players and it still has this problem. The crashing has made the game unplayable for the past few days.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Play for a few minutes

Event Timeline

lousyfinkle renamed this task from LA 5818 server to LA 5818 server repeatedly crashing.Fri, Feb 28, 3:03 AM
lousyfinkle changed Category from Server to Game Crash.

Thank god someone said this I've never had serious issues on the server before and it is literally unplayable, I get a maximum of 10 minutes on the server before it crashes, and it's usually ever 2-3 minutes. Insanely annoying