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Feedback | Inventory controller issues
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Hello, currently talkin about Xbox with controller

Long time ago it worked as i remember

  1. Stash (tent/barrel/crate etc) no fast option to drop items on the ground.

You need to take it to hands first (click A) then drop, or use dpad.
Why not just tap X to take loot to inventory and Y to drop it? Long X keep to Equip, because u use it more rare, less things to Equip
Like you need to clean cartent with 300 tomatoes.
Its very annoying thing, with mouse and keyboard you can just hold ctrl and click mouse, around 10x faster or maybe more than to do it with controller

  1. Character inventory

To drop item u need to hold X instead of just fast tap Y as an example, if u need to equip u hold X/Y

Please make DayZ for consoles more easier, safe our time, we are not PC players.


Operating System
Windows 7

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Hoshbraun updated the task description. (Show Details)

You use to be able to drop stuff out of containers by holding X then it got removed then i guess it came back but no i don't think having a hard coded keybind is a good idea here - rather a custom keybinds page would suffice and satisfy all players.