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Number of dice in version 1.17
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Greetings, such a question. I have a BaseBuilding mod, the main model in which contains 252 bones in the skeleton. Everything is stable in the current version 1.26.

In experimental version 1.27, the server crashes until I reduce the number of dice > 138

Is this planned or is it a mistake?


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Feb 19 2025, 12:59 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello ArtemDozhd.
Please provide crash dumps from the occurrence.

I have the same problem with my Base Building mod if the number of SkeletonBones[] in model.cfg exceeds 138

Sap3r added a subscriber: Sap3r.Feb 20 2025, 11:19 AM

Same problem, needs to be fixed

Hello Bohemia. Have same problem with my buildings. We have only 5 days to resolve this situation. Help us!

Same problem

BGZ added a subscriber: BGZ.Feb 20 2025, 12:16 PM

+1, same issue here with some mods exceeding this limit

Mars22 added a subscriber: Mars22.Feb 21 2025, 10:32 AM
jobthe added a subscriber: jobthe.Feb 21 2025, 10:38 AM

The servers are crashing, the problem is similar, I would like you to solve it before the patch

ntepup added a subscriber: ntepup.Feb 22 2025, 10:35 PM

Dayz fix something 127 so broken but hey push it out. Right typical dayz and wait they'll blame p3d not them

1.27 went onto experimental on 13 January, 40 days ago, waiting until a week before it goes live to test and requesting a niche issue to be fixed immediately; isn't good testing. Bohemia gives us plenty of time to test our mods and report issues between versions.

This issue wouldn't have been discovered through Bohemia QA as its very specific and none of the vanilla models meet the requirement for the issue to arise. I'd suggest testing early on when experimental updates go live to minimize the amount of impact an issue can have on your mods, and report them as soon as possible.

@Geez After searching for another source of the problem, it was discovered : That when an object has more than 137 bones in its skeleton, when executing the SetAnimationPhase() method, the server shuts down.
It crashes exactly the source from which the SetAnimationPhase() method was called to an object with more than 137 bones.

@OfficialWardog You say everything correctly, but how can you know about any problem if it was not even mentioned in the official patch notes of Bohemia? Not a single update mentioned reducing the number of bones. This is not a minor problem, this problem affects at least 5000 players.

@ArtemDozhd my comment was more targeted to @vkantik @NeoGame and @OldManvape. With less than a week from stable going live, the build that will be published has already passed review for internal QA as well as for console's review and stability testing from Microsoft and Sony. There was no time for the bug to be verified, fixed, tested, and be re-approved by primarily the console review process before the announced release date of 1.27, which is now tomorrow.

But to answer your question about how I would have known if there was any problem, I would have tested 40 days ago. I load the mods I support as soon as I have time in my schedule to continue this hobby. If there are any problems, my friends or I will submit feedback if the issue isn’t already resolvable through previous feedback changes implemented in the current experimental. Typically, we develop a workaround in case the problem can't be resolved in the current update cycle to prevent major disruptions to players. However, issues often have the potential to be resolved through patches to experimental before going live on stable.

It's best to test as early as possible, not a week before stable is released, even if you do not see any changes you'd think would affect your mod in the change notes. As unintended bugs can happen with changes under the hood to the engine that wouldn't necessarily be explicitly stated in the patch notes, as they're not typically intended to break features. This went unnoticed under Bohemia's radar as no vanilla models exceed the limit you've stated above and due to the lack of early testing from mod developers that do exceed the limit (even if not known, unintentional changes are discovered through testing). In no way am I trying to be argumentative here, I recognized a fault and am giving advice to you for the future, even if it may be blunt, it's in good will.

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Assigned.Mon, Feb 24, 11:54 AM
Geez added a comment.Mon, Feb 24, 12:38 PM

Hello, can you please provide us with one of the mods causing this issue in order for us to debug the problem and evaluate possibility of a hotfix?

OfficialWardog added a comment.EditedMon, Feb 24, 1:10 PM

@Geez given the prefix from the RPT, the mod is Forest Fortification, which the workshop version is obfuscated with a tool that provides a lot of junk and noise across the archive, scripts, rv param files, and p3d reference paths. Though the issue still resides given the logs provided were from a build that was not obfuscated.

Upon further inspection, it seems like they're selling the mod on the linked discord from the workshop page.

Tyson added a subscriber: Tyson.Mon, Feb 24, 1:51 PM
vkantik added a comment.EditedMon, Feb 24, 3:56 PM

Good afternoon, I am developing my own construction system for my server and I have the same problem.
The problem appears if the model has 138+ bones and has at least something in any geometry. If the geometry lodes are empty, then there is no error and the resolution lodes work stably.

Cubody added a subscriber: Cubody.EditedMon, Feb 24, 3:57 PM

Are you serious? Block a person for developing a really interesting modification and giving access to it as a donation? Or are you suggesting that you upload the code to be stolen by hundreds of other developers, and the author has completely lost motivation? Do you even know what's going on in the community, and how often everyone steals from each other? It's an endless game of chess, and you're talking about commerce. People invest their efforts and ideas to create something unique. My request: not to kill it, but to support it, why are you chopping off the shoulder?
Sorry for the Russian sayings and offtop.

I know about 100 authors who sell modifications. And you're banning a person for writing a bug report? bruh

P. S. I support free development and access to any code under your license, but it very much borders on motivation to do anything.

@Geez Please make attention for such things. There should be no harsh lynching of developers in the bug reporter .-.

@Cubody Wardog has always been like this. He doesn't care about problems and mistakes, he cares who reports them. Instead of discussing the issue of the error, he went to see who was writing about it. This man has obvious problems in life.

Cubody added a comment.EditedMon, Feb 24, 4:04 PM

@vkantik Let's ban all developer communities and block all workshops... Why not? And it's not cool to get personal, I'm in favor of a constructive dialogue.

Just to be clear, my motive on replying to this thread was because I was wanting to inform its participants on better testing practices. When I had the time, I decided to go looking through the logs to find a reference that would allow me to take a look into the mod having the issue for additional advice to provide as potential a workaround or feature reduction without impacting functionality. Initially, I ignored the workshop description and took at peek into the obfuscated mod, but backtracked after certain assumptions seemed to solidify in my mind as I browsed through the files. I resorted to reviewing the workshop description primarily to see if any discussion was made about the issue on potentially a VK page or a Discord server.

Discovery wasn't too difficult to find on limiting access to the mod behind a paywall, I agree the edit to my last comment was targeted as selling formats produced by BI Tools is not acceptable under the EULA. Accepting donations is acceptable, but limiting access to the mod to only people who pay the required amount of money is not a donation, that's a commercial transaction. I've attached some references below to back my statement.

Alas, this feedback post is not meant for such discussions. I would still like to see the issue either resolved, or feedback provided on avoiding the excessive usage of bones in a single LOD.

  1. References
    1. Bohemia Interactive Intellectual Property
    2. DayZ Tools EULA
    3. DayZ EULA
vkantik added a comment.EditedMon, Feb 24, 4:35 PM

Yes, you wanted to help. Not forgetting to mention that he sells mods.
To definitely help. Well, 100% help, telling about what a bad person he is, that he sells mods.

You are confusing hot and soft. We do not absolve ourselves of responsibility for the fact that we realized it too late - no one talks about this. But what you write about all the data having already been transferred to Microsoft or Sony - how was I supposed to know that?

Is Bohemia Interactive probably notifying about this? - No
Was it and is it possible to file a ticket now? - Yes
Was the ticket filed in accordance with the rules, with all the evidence attached? - YES!

But no, the respectable guardian of EULA morals under the nickname Wardog needed to reduce the problem to commercialization.

To definitely help all of us solve our problem. Thank you.

I'm still waiting for Wardog to remember about LBMaster

similar with our individual construction.
According to testing, it seems as if the error occurs after SetAnimationPhase,
after which it freezes and crashes with the error "Reason: Access violation. Illegal read".
It feels like the game now can't get the bone if the model.cfg of the model exceeds 138 bones. This only happens with classes that inherit from baseBuildingBase ! Clothes and other items whose skeletons exceed 138 bones do not break the server, but I have not tested SetAnimationPhase on these items.

If you view the model in AdminTools(VPP)
the client does not die (that is, objects that spawned locally, perhaps some functions related to animation are not performed here yet).
I also noticed that AddProxyPhysic slows down the client very much.

Please fix it, if not in tomorrow's patch, then in a hotfix, please

@Geez It appears that this mod in question is a paid mod and most of the commenters in here have paid for and packed this mod. While the bones limit does appear to be an issue, I believe you need to know the full facts of what is going on here.

vkantik added a comment.EditedMon, Feb 24, 5:47 PM

We are here to solve a problem related to a server crash when an object has more than 138 bones. But it looks like there are guys here who are more interested in whether someone has a paid mod and those who really want to allow purple wheels. I think you need to know all the facts about what's going on here.

Cubody added a comment.EditedMon, Feb 24, 5:54 PM

Wardog described this situation in detail in the Enfusion Modders discord and pointed out the points in the EULA, which specify in detail what can and cannot be done. Thanks.

eas1ly added a subscriber: eas1ly.Tue, Feb 25, 8:27 AM

Since version 1.27, the buildable cabin I created has been crashing the game every time it was deployed. I searched extensively to find the cause of the problem. It comes from the model.cfg file—when the number of lines in SkeletonBones exceeds 138, the game crashes.

I am attaching both the crashing and non-crashing files. I have temporarily removed some lines to prevent the crash, but it is urgent to fix the issue. I am also including the crash log.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Fri, Mar 7, 1:21 PM
Geez claimed this task.

Resolved for the upcoming hotfix.

Tierro added a subscriber: Tierro.Sat, Mar 8, 11:08 PM

@Geez When is the approximate date of HotFix?