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Virtual Machine Exception
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number:
Modded?: Yes (Yes/No)
If modded, please list the mods: Miltary Operations I

Issue Description:
VME when SF components spawn in. Unsure which components or sequence at this time. The "No AIWorld Present" is bogus. I have my SCR_AIWorld present and setup correctly. I will try to further isolate and determine root cause.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
10.0.26100 Build 26100
Steps To Reproduce

Create a scenario. Added slotAI with groups and characters.

Additional Information
SCRIPT    (E): ScenarioFramework: SlotTrigger - The selected prefab is not trigger!

SCRIPT (E): Virtual Machine Exception

Reason: Can't delete instance (of class: 'SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSystem') with 11 references
WORLD : InitEntities 'world'
ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:1275766" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Doors/Door_Castle_01/Door_Castle_01_Tower_LEFT_EXT_COV_B.xob') at <9316.457031 229.257294 1167.955444>

DEFAULT   (E): User action '#AR-UserAction_Open' created with no ActionsManagerComponent present on its owner entity @"ENTITY:1275766" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Doors/Door_Castle_01/Door_Castle_01_Tower_LEFT_EXT_COV_B.xob') at <9316.457031 229.257294 1167.955444>

ENTITY : Init entity @"ENTITY:1275768" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Doors/Door_Castle_01/Door_Castle_01_Tower_RIGHT_EXT_COV_B.xob') at <9316.567383 229.257294 1165.824951>

DEFAULT   (E): User action '#AR-UserAction_Open' created with no ActionsManagerComponent present on its owner entity @"ENTITY:1275768" ('GenericEntity','Assets/Structures/BuildingsParts/Doors/Door_Castle_01/Door_Castle_01_Tower_RIGHT_EXT_COV_B.xob') at <9316.567383 229.257294 1165.824951>

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{84E5BBAB25EA23E5}Prefabs/Groups/BLUFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559050" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <5348.333496 80.936996 6300.421387> @"{84E5BBAB25EA23E5}Prefabs/Groups/BLUFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{5BEA04939D148B1D}Prefabs/Groups/INDFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559057" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <5339.626953 80.429001 6317.157715> @"{5BEA04939D148B1D}Prefabs/Groups/INDFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{30ED11AA4F0D41E5}Prefabs/Groups/OPFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559058" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <5330.398438 81.138000 6290.426270> @"{30ED11AA4F0D41E5}Prefabs/Groups/OPFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{5BEA04939D148B1D}Prefabs/Groups/INDFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559065" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <9719.882812 22.272322 1712.243042> @"{5BEA04939D148B1D}Prefabs/Groups/INDFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{E552DABF3636C2AD}Prefabs/Groups/OPFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559066" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <9732.892578 22.734015 1719.456299> @"{E552DABF3636C2AD}Prefabs/Groups/OPFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{DDF3799FA1387848}Prefabs/Groups/BLUFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559067" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <9712.654297 22.554399 1721.550903> @"{DDF3799FA1387848}Prefabs/Groups/BLUFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{5BEA04939D148B1D}Prefabs/Groups/INDFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559074" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <1647.929565 71.465004 5742.140137> @"{5BEA04939D148B1D}Prefabs/Groups/INDFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{30ED11AA4F0D41E5}Prefabs/Groups/OPFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559075" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <1648.858765 71.499001 5741.997070> @"{30ED11AA4F0D41E5}Prefabs/Groups/OPFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{84E5BBAB25EA23E5}Prefabs/Groups/BLUFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559076" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <1650.193726 71.576004 5741.569336> @"{84E5BBAB25EA23E5}Prefabs/Groups/BLUFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{84E5BBAB25EA23E5}Prefabs/Groups/BLUFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559077" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <4608.456055 18.854740 10657.940430> @"{84E5BBAB25EA23E5}Prefabs/Groups/BLUFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{5BEA04939D148B1D}Prefabs/Groups/INDFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559084" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <4606.583008 18.656216 10678.113281> @"{5BEA04939D148B1D}Prefabs/Groups/INDFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{30ED11AA4F0D41E5}Prefabs/Groups/OPFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559085" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <4612.590332 18.655769 10643.946289> @"{30ED11AA4F0D41E5}Prefabs/Groups/OPFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{5BEA04939D148B1D}Prefabs/Groups/INDFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559092" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <5311.200195 21.005001 9832.127930> @"{5BEA04939D148B1D}Prefabs/Groups/INDFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{30ED11AA4F0D41E5}Prefabs/Groups/OPFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559093" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <5300.703613 21.461000 9818.802734> @"{30ED11AA4F0D41E5}Prefabs/Groups/OPFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

ENTITY : SpawnEntityPrefab @"{84E5BBAB25EA23E5}Prefabs/Groups/BLUFOR/"
ENTITY : Create entity @"ENTITY:4611686018427559094" ('SCR_AIGroup') at <5311.755859 21.292002 9842.654297> @"{84E5BBAB25EA23E5}Prefabs/Groups/BLUFOR/"

AI        (E): No AIWorld is present in the map. Move handlers won't be created.

Event Timeline

This seems to occur when you exit "Play" mode in the WB. Unfortunately I can't test fully due to the workshop being down, and unable to upload to it.

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Mon, Feb 17, 2:46 PM