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Third Person Driving Camera - Feedback
Feedback, NormalPublic


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Issue Description:

Feedback regarding the third person driving camera update as of - 'Changed: 3rd-person vehicle camera felt stiff/locked onto the vehicle'.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

In the latest changelog, under 'General' there was an update of 'Changed: 3rd-person vehicle camera felt stiff/locked onto the vehicle'. I tested the change to the third person camera and wanted to pass on some feedback / ideas as a user.

Feedback - Negative:

  • I think the latest third person camera update in is too radical, the 'zooming' in response to vehicle speed / turning / inertia / engine torque seems to be random at times and causes motion sickness.
  • It's hard to enjoy the changes to the horizontal movement being more 'loose' as it's ruined by the jarring camera movement in response to the vehicles vertical moment (hitting a bump for example).

Feedback - Ideas:

  • I know there was a change done previous to this update to free up the camera from how it was from release, I believe that change was very good as it made vehicle driving a lot less nauseating. The camera movement in response to the vehicles vertical movement could have been reduced slightly but otherwise I thought it was in a good spot.
  • I think if the third person camera was reverted to the previous 'version' as seen on the current stable build as of this post with some subtle changes to loosen up the horizontal / vertical movement then the camera would be in an ideal spot. I really don't like how the camera now dramatically zooms in and out sporadically as you're driving - seems to be attached to the vehicle inertia / engine torque.

To preface, when Reforger released I wasn't a fan of the 'static' camera that was purely attached to the vehicles movement, I like the direction of trying to loosen up the camera. I just believe that the camera was changed to be in a good spot previous to this and the changes done in have regressed the positive changes to a point where it causes motion sickness.

Feedback - Summary:

  • Vertical camera movement in response to vehicle driving over terrain is still 'stiff'.
  • Horizontal camera movement changes seem good and 'loose'.
  • New camera zoom in response to vehicle inertia / speed / turning causes motion sickness and need to be removed / heavily reduced.
  • Previous camera change was good, may want to revert and make subtle changes instead of working from latest version.

Apologies if this is the incorrect place to put feedback, wasn't sure where else to put it.

Additional Information


Event Timeline

Flynnruk created this task.Thu, Feb 13, 5:24 PM
Flynnruk edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Thu, Feb 13, 5:53 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Mon, Feb 17, 2:54 PM