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Game freezes when inventory opens
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Hey guys, so I’ve been having some issues with Dayz it’s been going on for like one year I even stopped playing it for because of it so basically when I open my inventory the game freezes for like two seconds when I look southwest northwest southeast northeast I get freezes as well. I did everything I could like disabling, the full screen optimization or reinstall the game like 50 times I even reinstalled Steam 50 times on the SSD. I even rebooted my PC but nothing worked all my drivers are updated. Everything is updated. I got everything on the latest version. When I play on the experimental game, I have no freezes but when I join the normal game, I get the freezes. I played on official and nonofficial servers still have the freeze. Please help I’m begging. I wanna play this beautiful game again like I used to.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Game Freezes

Event Timeline

Lasvinge created this task.Fri, Feb 7, 5:30 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Fri, Feb 7, 11:19 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.
nahta added a subscriber: nahta.Sat, Feb 8, 2:40 AM

Hey Lasvinge i have the same problem as you even the north west south west thing when i open the inventory it also freezes i uninstalled the game because of that its unplayble but when i play on exerimental i dont have the problem at all any ways i hope they will show us a fix to the problem