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Dedicated FPS limiter is poorly implemented
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When the -maxFPS limit is applied to a Linux dedicated server, and the server is traced using the linux strace tool, it can be observed that the game logic is implementing this delay in way that very likely impacts performance in quite a negative way.

The trace shows that clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, {tv_sec=0, tv_nsec=16000000}) is called on each iteration of the game loop. Using gdb and putting a breakpoint on this call shows that the unix function usleep is being called with the fixed value of 16000.

As the game logic may take time to complete, using a fixed interval here is going to cause a loaded down busy server to artificially wait longer then it should. For example, if the game logic takes 8ms to complete, this will result in a 8+16ms until the next frame, resulting in 41.6FPS. The more time spent in the game logic the worse this becomes.

The obvious but still not correct solution here would be to time how long the game logic took and account for this, however there is a much neater solution under linux. clock_nanosleep supports absolute time values. By getting the current monotonic time from the system and adding 16ms to it on each iteration, you can use clock_nanosleep with the TIMER_ABSTIME flag to schedule when the next wakeup will occur. If the next wakeup is a time in the past because the loop iteration was too slow and the game has fallen behind, it skips the sleep entirely.

I would assume that the windows build suffers from the same issue, though the solution there would be differnt.

As a proof of concept I have implemented a small library to hook usleep and change this behaviour to use instead a running clock and directly call clock_nanosleep with the absolute time rather then a relative time (source below).

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#define FRAME_DURATION_NS 16000000L

static int (*real_usleep)(useconds_t usec) = NULL;

static struct timespec nextTime = { 0 };

static void init_hook(void)
    real_usleep = (int (*)(useconds_t usec))dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "usleep");
    if (!real_usleep)
        fprintf(stderr, "[mysleep] Error: could not find real usleep: %s\n",

static inline uint32_t __iter_div_u64_rem(uint64_t dividend, uint32_t divisor, uint64_t *remainder)
  uint32_t ret = 0;

  while (dividend >= divisor)
    /* The following asm() prevents the compiler from
       optimising this loop into a modulo operation.  */
    asm("" : "+rm"(dividend));

    dividend -= divisor;

  *remainder = dividend;
  return ret;

static inline void tsAdd(struct timespec * a, uint64_t ns)
  a->tv_sec  += __iter_div_u64_rem(a->tv_nsec + ns, 1000000000L, &ns);
  a->tv_nsec = ns;

inline static int fpsSleep()
  // if it's the very first time we are called
  if (nextTime.tv_sec == 0 && nextTime.tv_nsec == 0)
    // initialize the time and add the delay to it
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &nextTime);
    tsAdd(&nextTime, FRAME_DURATION_NS);

  struct timespec remain;
  int ret = 0;
    ret = clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, &nextTime, NULL);
    if (ret == 0 || ret != EINTR)

  // add the delay to the running clock
  tsAdd(&nextTime, FRAME_DURATION_NS);
  return ret;

int usleep(useconds_t usec)
  // assume sleeps of the duration are our target to hook
  if (usec == FRAME_DURATION_NS / 1000L)
    return fpsSleep();

  return real_usleep(usec);

This can be compiled with the command:

gcc -fPIC -shared -o mysleep.c -ldl -O3

And injected into the game using the LD_PRELOAD environment variable:

LD_PRELOAD=/absolute/path/to/ ./ArmaReforgerServer -maxFPS 60

As a result on a moderately loaded server that would normally start to see FPS drops, I am now seeing a rock solid 60FPS.

Please also note that this new logic uses the faster and guaranteed to be incremental CLOCK_MONOTONIC, as CLOCK_REALTIME can shift when the system time is adjusted by the user, or the ntp daemon.


Operating System
Linux x64
Operating System Version
Debian 12
Steps To Reproduce

Just run the dedicated server under strace with -maxFPS 60 and observe the fixed 16ms sleep calls.


strace -fe trace=clock_nanosleep ./ArmaReforgerServer -maxFPS 60

Event Timeline

gnif created this task.Feb 5 2025, 10:27 AM
gnif updated the task description. (Show Details)Feb 5 2025, 10:34 AM
gnif updated the task description. (Show Details)Feb 5 2025, 10:41 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Feb 5 2025, 10:55 AM
gnif added a comment.Feb 6 2025, 3:09 AM

I was made aware that the game code is supposed to adjust the sleep time and there may be an issue with my debugging method. As such I have updated my test hook to positively identify the 16ms sleep call via the calling function address instead of relying on the value of 160000. It also now write statistics to a ring-buffer that another thread then prints out so as to not mess with the timing.

static int count = 0;
useconds_t low   = 1000000;
useconds_t high  = 0;
void * caller    = NULL;

int usleep(useconds_t usec)
  if (!caller && usec == FRAME_DURATION_NS / 1000L)
    caller = __builtin_return_address(0);
    printf("usleep caller: %p\n", caller);

  if (caller == __builtin_return_address(0))
    if (usec < low)
      low = usec;

    if (usec > high)
      high = usec;

    if (++count == 10)
      ringbuf_push(low, high);
      count = 0;
      low   = 100000;
      high  = 0;

    return fpsSleep();

  return real_usleep(usec);
void * statsFn(void *)
    ring_entry_t entry;
    while (ringbuf_pop(&entry))
      printf("[statsFn] Low: %u, High: %u\n", entry.low, entry.high);

There is certainly a problem here.

gnif added a comment.Feb 6 2025, 8:06 AM

I'd like to retract everything above :)

Further investigation showed I was watching the wrong API, this 16ms delay was the RCON thread and completely unrelated to the frame timing. I have again made changes and verified that the main loop in the main application thread is indeed altering it's delay based on game loop time.

I am sorry for the wasted time & noise.

DarkWolf closed this task as Resolved.Feb 6 2025, 5:00 PM
DarkWolf claimed this task.
DarkWolf added a subscriber: DarkWolf.

Hello, I will close it since it works as supposed.
But your point regarding use of absolute time is valid however its not that simple since we would have to make solution for all platforms and not only Windows so it might be considered in future.