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Crash every 5 min
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Play for 5 min then game crashes so bad that one has to do a hard reboot


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Start the bloody game

Additional Information

Seems that every time after a update the crashes get worse, I look at the crash dump files and these crashes are so severe that no log is written and looking at those that are written they seem to revolve around repairing weapons or magazines that I dont even have...

now game has been crashing every 30-60 min from start but this is getting to be too much, is it too much to ask that the patches focus on getting a stable game and not some nonsense about sounds new animations or bunny rabbits? Do the fu cking basics. In the time since I started playing I´ve upgraded everything in my computer but the crashes remain the same or worse. Getting tired of reporting bugs that nothing is done about.

Event Timeline

Also see (in the 5 min I get) that absolutely nothing has been done about loot not spawning in Damborg bunker, I see I´m wasting my time reporting bugs as are most of us

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Feb 5 2025, 10:48 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello BaconBuns.
Please upload .rpt/.mdmp files from the occurrence.
If there are no .mdmp files being generated, then the game does not crash but freezes instead. Also please make sure your drivers are up to date and there are no corrupted files/installations on your OS.

none being generated, and frozen or crash makes no difference as the computer is frozen and has to be restarted

Geez added a comment.Feb 5 2025, 3:19 PM

There definitely is a difference between a crash and a freeze. Using the correct term can help us in early investigation of the issue - as with freezes we do not have any access to minidumps. Have you tried to run sfc/Scannow to check your OS for any issues? Also have you tried to clear your documents DayZ folder and verify the game data? (Steam cloud sync should be disabled before doing so). Also does the game work on experimental? (Or stable? Depending from which version are you reporting the issue).

Well all drivers and software are up to date I am on experimental Livonia sfc does not return any errors in OS

I´m attaching last saved Mdmp dump file but the connection to even this server is so bad it´s taken 10 min just to send this post

That´s as far as the upload goes, maybe you should run sfc/Scannow and check your OS as all other pages are working for me and dumping the problem onto the end-user when problems clearly lie with servers or software of the game... Or just admit Bohemia is having problems as that would stop users searching through their files and deleting this or that and resetting this or that...

the whole point of playing experimental is to help report on bugs and errors not to go running round ones computer checking drivers and files all the time.... p.s cheaters using teleports on experimental too now so probably will stop playing official and move to community server. This page does not stay in contact long enough to upload the mdmp file even maybe I should delete something like the OS or the drivers on my end.... But no matter the newest Mdmp file is almost a month old so that´s not going to shed any light on recent freezes

Been playing on Community experimental 1.27 and no crashes or freezes so far, makes one wonder about server settings on the official