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Cheater Admitted to Hacking – Dolina (Server 8187 EU Official)
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Time & Date: 07:05 AM (Serbian time), [Insert Date]
Location: Dolina
Server: 8187 EU Official

Cheater's Actions:

The player admitted to cheating over voice chat.
They described my entire inventory, Steam name, and exact location without any possible legitimate way of knowing.
They tracked me perfectly and killed me in Dolina.
This kind of behavior ruins the experience for legitimate players. Please investigate and take appropriate action against this player.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64

Event Timeline

they will do absolutely nothing about it...official servers are flooded with them

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jan 31 2025, 11:48 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello bokic1998.
All hacking incidents are investigated by BattlEye. Do you have the cheaters Steam ID by any chance? As that would help BE in investigation of that particular user. (If so, please post it to BE directly

ZakLD added a subscriber: ZakLD.EditedFeb 1 2025, 1:01 AM

I send battleye timestamp of server time local time and date, my steamid so they can check killfeed aswell as video.

I have reported many the past few months thinking that the more I report the less cheaters will be on.

However, this week it appears that more and more cheaters are joining I saw them last night a group of chinese cheaters running around and stripping players gear and blowing people up.

They like to join the US DE AU servers to ruin them, why can't vpns and proxies etc be blocked on offical to make it harder for cheats to join, then if they want to cheat they use their real connection and could cross reference other bands they already have via that ip addresses or hardware but idk

They are most likely using an alt machine and spoofing their connection so even if they do get ban they just create another account on an alt machine and do it over and over.

They all come up to you speaking on the microphone to abuse you, and they teleport