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[Feedback] potential solution to the arsenal issue!
Feedback, NormalPublic


So everyone knows that one of the biggest issues plaguing Reforger right now is the amount of new players that spend a ton of time at the arsenal, creating ridiculous loadouts and draining all of their team's supplies, making logistics a total headache.

My idea to fix this: only allow arsenals to be built at the main purple bases, which start off with thousands of supplies. This would not only remove the issue of arsenals going up at the start of the match, but would encourage more players to focus on the purple objectives and to play defense.

Also, make it so that if somebody tries spawning in at a regular non-purple base, it automatically selects the default loadout, rather than making the player change their loadout manually. This would reduce jankiness in the menus for console players and also encourage them to defend places that don't have arsenals yet. They either spawn at a main objective with their kit, or they spawn on the frontline with a default loadout, and then grab a kit later. The ability to do so without a half dozen button presses would be a big help for new players. To me, this seems like a better solution than just locking the arsenal behind a rank, but I'm curious to see what others think.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce


Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 27 2025, 3:42 PM

Most likely related to T181019