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Arma 3 Fails to Boot in 64 bit
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Arma 3 refuses to boot in 64 bit, but will start in 32 bit in windowed mode. This was a passable workaround, but can't handle anything with mods that demand more memory. With a lot of mods on anything beyond the virtual reality spaces the game quickly runs out of memory. My computer has a Ryzen 7 5800X and a Nvidia RTX 3090 with 32 GB of RAM. I doubt it is the fact that my computer does not have enough memory or capacity to run the game. This game is unplayable with this constant crashing.

Error Message: 0xC0000005 - ACCESS_VIOLATION


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Starting up the game from the launcher with the parameters set to 64bit cause the crash to 0xC0000005 - ACCESS_VIOLATION

Event Timeline

This is a crash report I forgot to upload.

dedmen closed this task as Resolved.Mon, Feb 17, 5:50 PM
dedmen claimed this task.
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.

The crashing thing seems to be some joystick that you have attached, "vJoy Device"
The crash is actually inside a windows library, nothing we can do about that. Probably just remove your joystick or gamepad.
In the rpt log I also see there are some issues with your joystick

20:17:23 Invalid Joystick Axis!
20:17:23   type=902 (9), dwOfs=36, name=Axis 9
20:17:23   GUID = a36d02f3, c9f3, 11cf, ...
20:17:23   wUsagePage = 1, wUsage = c4
20:17:23 Invalid Joystick Axis!
20:17:23   type=a02 (a), dwOfs=40, name=Axis 10
20:17:23   GUID = a36d02f3, c9f3, 11cf, ...
20:17:23   wUsagePage = 1, wUsage = c5
20:17:23 Invalid Joystick Axis!
20:17:23   type=b02 (b), dwOfs=44, name=Axis 11
20:17:23   GUID = a36d02f3, c9f3, 11cf, ...
20:17:23   wUsagePage = 1, wUsage = c6
20:17:23 Invalid Joystick Axis!
20:17:23   type=c02 (c), dwOfs=48, name=Axis 12
20:17:23   GUID = a36d02f3, c9f3, 11cf, ...
20:17:23   wUsagePage = 1, wUsage = c8
20:17:23 Invalid Joystick Axis!
20:17:23   type=d02 (d), dwOfs=52, name=Axis 13
20:17:23   GUID = a36d02f3, c9f3, 11cf, ...
20:17:23   wUsagePage = 1, wUsage = b0
20:17:23 Invalid Joystick Axis!
20:17:23   type=e02 (e), dwOfs=56, name=Axis 14
20:17:23   GUID = a36d02f3, c9f3, 11cf, ...
20:17:23   wUsagePage = 1, wUsage = ba
20:17:23 Invalid Joystick Axis!
20:17:23   type=f02 (f), dwOfs=60, name=Axis 15
20:17:23   GUID = a36d02f3, c9f3, 11cf, ...
20:17:23   wUsagePage = 1, wUsage = bb