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Footsteps Audio Suggestion
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I love DayZ, and as a 3000+ hour DayZ player over the past 5 years I'd like to make a suggestion about footsteps volume since the current 1.27 exp. is going to raise the volume of running, which I and many players are a bit conflicted about.

At the moment, a player inside of any structure will get reduced sound of wind, ambiance, etc. however this makes it incredibly easy and a huge advantage to hear any approaching players that are outside the structure, even if 10-30 meters away, and makes it super easy to ambush someone that has never had any visual line of sight on each other. As well as from the perspective of the player outside of the structure, they can hear every movement inside of the structure as if there is nothing physical between them to stop or deaden the sound.

If it is possible, I think making a variance in sound of footsteps (or all actions) for players that are in/out of structures would be a great change.

For example:
Player 1 is inside of a structure (house, hospital, police station etc.) and has the "reduced" outside audio effects (just like it is right now), and Player 2 is outside of that structure. Player 1 should also have a reduced ability to hear the outside Player 2 walking by, or their actions a substantial amount, and vice versa Player 2 should have reduced ability to hear the footsteps or actions from Player 1. Now, if Player 2 walks into the structure, or Player 1 walks out of the structure, then both of them should hear each other equally (as the game is currently) so their volumes are matched and neither has the reduction.

This would make people have to play more cautiously when entering a structure, because once they walk through the doorway and their audio levels adjust they may begin to hear someone they would not have otherwise heard (or had a very hard time hearing) because they are now entered into the structure. This is far more realistic, because hearing someone walking from 20+ meters away inside of the second story of a police station is quite ridiculous.

This would also stop a player camping inside of a house, silently, holding their weapon on the doorway, just because they heard an outside player fight a zombie 30 meters away or sprint into a structure that's 2 buildings away and open a door in an entirely different building. It is also quite unrealistic to be able to pinpoint exactly where someone is in the building and what room's they are relocating to in gunfight, just from listening from outside of the structure and knowing exactly what window they are going to peek through next.

Another addition that could be made along this, is that when two players are inside of a structure, for every couple of meters of vertical distance, there is sound reduction of a smaller amount. Right now you can hear someone 10 story's above walking around in the upper apartment building rooms pretty darn good. With this change, the verticality will suppress that and more realistically you won't hear as well or will barely hear a player that's many story's above. This would also be huge in the immersion of the Livonia bunker and its verticality and not hearing players way above/below.

I thank whomever for reading my suggestions. Long live DayZ!


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

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Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Mon, Jan 27, 2:36 PM