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Freezing computer randomly and high network usage.
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number:
Modded?: (Yes/No) Both
If modded, please list the mods:

Issue Description:
My entire computer freezes randomly when playing, sometimes i can play for a few minutes and sometimes a few hours before freezing, when it freezes it can be anything between 1 minute and 10 minutes before unfreezing.
Sometimes its just "TIMEOUT" and other times it shows "FLOODING" as error message in the game.
I think its related to sudden big download by the game as i can see a spike in network usage when my computer unfreezes, i have used Glasswire to see that it is infact the game that downloads something, usually around 300-600MB.
It also maxes out CPU usage for a few seconds when it unfreezes.
Sometimes it even forces my internet to reconnect when it unfreezes.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Playing the game normally.
I have not found anything that seems to trigger the problem, have even sat in the same location with little to no people just to see if its triggered by players or vehicles.

Additional Information

Steps taken to try resolving the issue.

VPN: on, off, split tunneling
Deactivating windows firewall.
Turning off overclocking on GPU and CPU
Moving mod folder to different drives (freezing happens on vanilla servers too but had to test)
Deleting and redownloading mods
Verifying game files
Turning down video settings ingame
Restarting computer
Restarting router

Event Timeline

InZanity created this task.Jan 24 2025, 7:45 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Mon, Jan 27, 3:55 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Update, after hours of testing and plenty of not so child friendly words i have found that it was caused by multiple things and doing this seems to have fixed it:

1.Set my GPU to 90% powerlimit
2.Turned off hardware accel in discord
3.Turned off discord ingame
4.Changed from a WCS sever to a Raven server (no i have no idea why as they use pretty much the same mods)

2 and 3 was only needed when i was in a voice channel on discord.

I still have no idea what the massive downloads was about but as the time of writing this i have 15+h played without the slightest bit of freezing

Alright im back again, still having issues, took like a day or two then crashes returned..

Figured id add all my logs so you guys can take a look