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Brightness in Video Settings behaves differently in Fullscreen vs Windowed mode
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


The Brightness slider in the Video Settings behaves very differently in Fullscreen vs Windowed mode.
In the attached screenshot you can see that the Brighness slider is set the same (1 increment up) in both cases. In Windowed mode the boosted gamma/brightness is much stronger than in Fullscreen mode.

I used to increase Brightness by 2-3 increments during dark nights (Fullscreen mode), but recently I got a second monitor and I needed to change to Windowed mode to move the mouse to the second monitor, but now even increasing only 1 increment is a much, much stronger boost in brightness than 3 steps in Fullscreen mode is.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Change Brightness value higher than default in Windowed mode vs. Fullscreen mode and you see it behaves very much in different strength.

Additional Information

Server independent (works in main menu). UHD.

Event Timeline

YouCanCallMeAlex renamed this task from Brightness in Video Settings behaves different in Fullscreen vs Windowed mode to Brightness in Video Settings behaves differently in Fullscreen vs Windowed mode.
Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Jan 22 2025, 9:51 AM

Here you can see how pitch black night looks like, the moment I increase the brightness by 1 increment: