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Mouse buttons interrupt the keyboard's input.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


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Game Version number: (PlayStation™Network)

Issue Description:

Some buttons on the mouse seem to interrupt the input from the keyboard.

First, this does not happen when I press the "regular mouse buttons" such as left/right/middle click OR if I use the scroll wheel; I am able to move using my keyboard (WASD) all while shooting, zooming in, or using the scroll wheel to adjust my movement speed as problem there. However, I have additional buttons on my mouse which I am successfully able to map to within the settings. It seems that when I press any of these "non default mouse buttons", the game does recognize the button as having been pressed, BUT while doing so the input from my keyboard is immediately interrupted. So for example if I'm moving using WSAD on the keyboard, and then press the button I have mapped for proximity voice chat, my character will immediately stop moving BUT I can speak over the mic and see the mic icon active. And the reverse happens as well....if I'm standing still communicating over the mic, and then press WASD to begin moving, my character will begin moving but the game no longer recognizes I'm pressing the communicate button on my mouse.

I'm using a Logitech MX keys keyboard and a Razer Naga Pro mouse if that matters.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Have a mouse where you can map different keys to different buttons.
Test out the mappings of your additional mouse keys in an application like Notepad to verify the mappings work.
Go into the Arma Reforger settings and map various actions to your mouse buttons.
Attempt to move while pressing using the additional mouse buttons.

Event Timeline

iwanthelp renamed this task from Mouse buttons inturrupt the keyboard's input. to Mouse buttons interrupt the keyboard's input. .Jan 18 2025, 6:18 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 22 2025, 11:29 AM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.Jan 30 2025, 11:29 AM
Tachograf added a subscriber: Tachograf.EditedJan 30 2025, 1:10 PM

I dont want to create another topic but I have similar problem on Ps5 with mouse and keyboard. My is little different but really anoying. When Im moving my character with WASD, quite often it moves in that direction on its own. This issue is a real problem when you want to just move a inch and character keeps moving, when I press radom WASD key it stops.

Also, I asked random people on servers and they have same problem.

Hope u guys understand and able to fix it.

By the way, game is pure fun, I love it !

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jan 31 2025, 3:14 PM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Resolved for 1.3 release.

Resolved for 1.3 release.

Please tell me that the release is soon ;)

This comment was removed by iwanthelp.

I'm still having this issue in the latest release 1.3.130 on PS5.
To be clear I've had my mouse buttons mapped as the buttons T and CapsLock, which are the default key binds to transmit voice and speak over the radio.

To work around this issue I've mapped my mouse buttons to instead act as Mouse button 4 and Mouse button 5. Now the game behaves as expected when I have the voice/radio keybindings mapped to mouse buttons that are "mouse buttons", mouse button 4 and mouse button 5 respectively. I hope this helps someone.