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suggestion add backpack with weapon(Rifle) slot
Feedback, NormalPublic


Would be nice if a backpack that can carry a weapon(Rifle) ( have a slot for extra rifle) would be added. It should be rare to find and only have a chance to spawn on hellicrash/convoy spawns


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Woness created this task.Jan 17 2025, 10:44 PM
Woness renamed this task from suggestion add backpack with weapon slot to suggestion add backpack with weapon(Rifle) slot.Jan 18 2025, 1:05 PM
Woness updated the task description. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 20 2025, 3:57 PM

As a long time user of Spurgles BagZ, Having a rifle slot to very select bags would be nice for vanilla.
I haven't had a chance to play around with 1.27 exp yet, but I love that a tool slot was added to the bags.
I was planning to mod a tool slot to the belt for specifically the ice axe. (Been busy irl...)

I'd like to see weapon slings become a thing in the future if rifle slots are added.

Simple recipe, like 6 rags or a rope to craft a sling.
Higher quality sling from cutting up an animal pelt.

Even better if they looked different if crafted from different animals.