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Verify files SCRIPT to remove old log files now missing since 1.26
Assigned, NormalPublic


These days since 1.26 we are unable to execute that script that prompted us when we wanted to verify the game files via Steam


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

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Additional Information

Pretty much somes up all those crash files just adding up and adding up
Its part of my routine now and this should be fixed somehow in the game or to become non existant.
It shouldnt accumalte.
In fact i have had to delete over 100gigs of crash files in the past and with other players i know.
Or please tell me a method to make this easier other then having to create a BAT file or manually delating

Event Timeline

uniacidz created this task.Jan 15 2025, 1:30 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jan 16 2025, 12:40 PM
Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Need More Info.Jan 20 2025, 1:42 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello uniacidz.
Can you please specify which exact script no longer runs?

That box doesnt show anymore when you click on "Verify integrity of game files" button

And to add that Geez referred to the method i mentioned above, thats now not working

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Assigned.Mon, Jan 27, 2:51 PM

Disappointed it hadnt been fixed.

Up to 336mb now