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Server side Vehicle Prediction VS what player sees
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number: This happens in current live build and has since just pre 1.0
Modded?: No
If modded, please list the mods:

Issue Description:

When driving at speeds, even with an under 30ms ping you can get to a high enough speed the server loses track of you. This causes rubber banding, and causes crashes to appear later on the drivers screen, or on the drivers screen it can look like you're around the object only to be reset back to the object.

This has been happening for a while, it's also one I remember in Operation Flash Point going back to 2003 when I first played it. This has been an issue throughout the use of the RV Engine, this also happens in DayZ, so it's not just exclusive to ArmA Reforger. I have a feeling this is netcode related possibly, or in a part of the code players can't mess with currently.

I have friends who can provide videos of them driving fine on their side, only for them to not be able to get around objects or randomly slam into something that on their screen they were over far enough. Tonight when I play I'll record some video and clip it so that I can show what happens


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

So far

Drive at high speeds
Drive through fields at high speeds
Driving through checkpoints is another area I've noticed it if you swing wide but correct it sometimes the server will think you hit the object.

Event Timeline

falcon91 created this task.Jan 14 2025, 5:04 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jan 15 2025, 11:14 AM

Carrier driving backtracking and flashing issues as well as transients caused by being out of sync near obstacles,I honestly would have thought that BI was aware of these issues, but apparently not

I think this is a serious problem that needs to be fixed badly.Honestly I think the whole networking code of the game sucks and needs to be fixed properly

falcon91 added a subscriber: Geez.Jan 22 2025, 12:55 AM

@Geez here is a video showing this happening, I don't know why you guys aren't actually addressing this, before you switched everything to server side just prior to 1.0 we had no issues, and I have other videos that can show that, as well performance wise .9xx patches tanked my performance which I asked support about with 2 months of no response from Jiri or Dom.