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Squad Command "~" key not functioning on Multiplayer self hosted.
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic


Game version
Modded?: (No)
Issue Description:
Platform: Steam PC
Mode: Multiplayer

  • Host new server

Mode: Conflict (Any map)
Mods: None
Server (not dedicated): Peer to Peer
Key binding "~" key does not function when hosting peer to peer session of conflict, and 2nd player joins faction.

  • Initially upon game launch "~" key works as intended.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Step 1) Launch Steam
Step 2) Launch Arma Reforger
Step 3) Select Multiplayer
Step 4) Host New Server
Configure Server for any custom settings.
Step 5) Map - Select any "conflict" mode map.
Step 6) Build Armory
Step 7) Build living quarters "300 resource"
Step 8) Purchase any squad
Step 9) Use "~" to order squad around (Works great!!!!)
Step 10) Have a friend, or anyone join as the 2nd player (Steam PC) in your faction
Step 11) "~" Squad Command key stops working (Life Sucks!!!!)

  • DETAILS: As soon as my group member/friend joins the server either same squad, or creating his own squad "~" key stops functioning.

Upon each keypress "~" the white menu mouse cursor appears briefly, and whichever item you were holding (IE: 1 Weapon, 2 Secondary weapon, 3 bandages, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 entrenching tool) for arguments sake lets say I had my entrenching tool equipped slot "0".
Each keypress of "~" white cursor flashes, and then held active item Quickbar icon appears.

I have tried assigning long "hold", multi-keypress using ALT, CTL, SHIFT, and the 6 million permutations / combination of alternative keys on the keyboard and the problem persists.

I am willing to reproduce and show this bug to the developer, via streaming in Discord.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 14 2025, 11:03 AM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.Thu, Jan 30, 3:28 PM