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My server doesn't show up in launcher
Need More Info, NormalPublic


On PC, the DayZ launcher cannot find my private server.

I rented a small (10 player slots), password protected server from MWGSM, and it doesn't show up in any of my searches under the community tab.

"Tireseus" "Tireseus and Friends Die on Namalsk" nor even "ip:" return any results.

I even loaded up all the community servers—the entire list—sorted them descending, then looked for my server and no, it wasn't there.

I have reinstalled the DayZ client from scratch, updated Steam (which was already up to date) ran a Steam update both on the client and the server.

Direct Connect with the Add to Favorites DID work however, and DZSA works. I checked Battle metrics as well and THAT works fine.

Context is my server hosting service just completed a move with fiber. I didn't have any problem finding my server prior to this move, please note, and I'm working with my server provider.

I am not the only one having this problem, however, and one person reported that he had the same problem prior to the move.

Just for giggles I tried "ip:" too. No-go.

Doesn't bother me, but I run with friends every once in awhile and I much rather they didn't have to jump through hoops to play.

The server owner CAN find my server when he searches the community tab. Comes right up for him.

Thanks in advance, Brett


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version

Event Timeline

Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Jan 14 2025, 11:59 AM

Hello Tireseus.
Is the server still online at the moment?

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jan 14 2025, 12:00 PM
Demo added a subscriber: Demo.Sun, Jan 19, 3:45 PM

The launcher is fundamentally broken due to all the fake servers. Many real servers are not showing up due to what I suspect is some sort inability of the launcher to handle all the fakes. There are several ways to verify this.

  1. My server does not show up 99/100 times. In this process I have verified that it is valid on the steam master list my querying the steam masters directly (will provide more on this below.
  2. You can go to BM, sort my top servers, attempt to search for them in the launcher. 9/10 will not show up
  3. Look at the servers on the launcher, they have the same IP address with different ports and fake player counts, literally thousands (more below)

This data below was obtained from querying the steam master server for DayZ servers. It is timing out so there is more then what is in this list. You can verify yourself by opening up the launcher and seeing all these, you will easily find these worst offenders. The attached upload is what was returned. My server is in this list as are many real servers that do NOT show up in the launcher.

  • Server Count Distribution (IP -> # of servers) ---

1 IP have 4000 servers.
1 IP have 450 servers.
1 IP have 331 servers.
1 IP have 72 servers.
1 IP have 53 servers.
1 IP have 11 servers.
2 IPs have 7 servers.
3 IPs have 6 servers.
10 IPs have 5 servers.
38 IPs have 4 servers.
108 IPs have 3 servers.
289 IPs have 2 servers.
849 IPs have 1 server.

  • Offenders: IPs with more than 100 servers --- has 4000 servers. has 450 servers. has 331 servers.