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Car Crash causes rank loss
Feedback, NormalPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number: Steam Current live build as of this ticket
Modded?: No, Official vanilla.
If modded, please list the mods:

Issue Description:

Parked a Jeep with a .50 cal, and had gotten out of the jeep , when an allied driver came flying around a corner and rammed into the back of my vehicle with a Humvee causing it to explode which then killed teammates, and made me a renegade.

This also happened when I wrecked my car and had allies in it, I under estimated my landing and hit a fence causing 3 allied deaths which also resulted in a loss of rank.

The first situation, should not have gotten me a loss in rank, as the driver behind me had an entire other lane to get into and we were under fire.

The second situation I can see where it would reduce your rank due to being careless.

I get this is a punishment system designed to stop intentional killing of teammates by running them into objects, but it needs to be tuned more, and should be taken out of the current live build as it causes loss of rank that is unnecessary. It's just more annoying than anything.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

1st situation

  1. Have a Jeep or other car parked and bought by the driver or whoever
  2. Have it get run into with allies around it and allies in the other vehicle
  3. loss of rank will occur upon explosion

2nd situation
Pretty easy, crash and explode with people in the vehicle.

Event Timeline

falcon91 created this task.Jan 11 2025, 5:42 AM
falcon91 updated the task description. (Show Details)
falcon91 changed Severity from None to Minor.
falcon91 changed Reproducibility from N/A to Always.
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 13 2025, 1:34 PM