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question about offical servers
Closed, ResolvedPublic


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i was wondering if you guys still have admin on official servers because this is the second time ive loaded back in on day 3 of my dude just to be shot inside a building with no way of being shot. it be fantastic if you could police at least the popular servers. i mean i spend hours getting gear just to be shot by a smelly cheater that YOU GUYS are soposed to be keeping out of the game. but fuck it right you already have my money what do you care if i enjoy actually playing your game. youd rather just ride the cash cow out and fuck the consumer. i dont even know why i wasted my time typing this im just going to get an automated response and keep getting killed by cheaters........fucking thanks for nothing


Operating System
Windows 10

Event Timeline

groot7480 created this task.Jan 7 2025, 5:39 AM
DJTrump added a subscriber: DJTrump.Jan 7 2025, 6:17 AM

Only play in modding communities. These servers are just for fun

my dear friend, the developers are not interested in catching cheaters, because they are the main buyers of copies of the game, and this is money, no one will fight cheaters, the official servers are doomed, for the 5th year now every second or third topic here is about cheaters, what have they done with them? no. 30,000 cheaters were banned in 2023, 20,000 cheaters in 2024, so what? there are no fewer of them

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jan 7 2025, 10:36 AM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello groot7480.
There are no administrators present on official servers, however BattlEye monitors all suspicious activity on the servers and players using cheats are being banned subsequently.