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Vehicle turning sensitivity differing on controller and keyboard
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The vehicle turning sensitivity (steering) is significantly faster on a controller than keyboard. The time to turn the wheel all the way to the right is significantly faster on controller. This makes driving feel much less intuitive and reduces capabilities on keyboard.
For example, the Gunter is able to "drift" and make maneuvers much faster with a controller. On keyboard, it is nearly impossible to mimic some movements due to the low turning speed on the wheel.


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Get in any car.
  2. Use a controller and point the left stick in either direction as fast as possible.
  3. Do this multiple times and observe the speed at which it turns.
  4. Use a keyboard and click either "A" or "D" to turn the wheel in either direction.
  5. Do this multiple times and observe the speed at which it turns.
  6. Compare speeds and see how much faster a controller allows you to steer over a keyboard.
Additional Information

A "steering sensitivity" option in the settings would be a good way to make this feel better on keyboard if possible.

Event Timeline

trev2000 created this task.Jan 3 2025, 7:41 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 3 2025, 10:38 AM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Feedback.Jan 3 2025, 10:50 AM