This is a form to report an issue from the PC VERSION of the game - for Xbox/PS4 issues use their respective forms from the dropdown menu (delete this prior to creating the ticket)
The attached screenshot is the API call received for the GET and POST commands
As you can see, the GET command is lacking the headers but the POST command sends them fine!
Also, we currently have to use a hacky solution to get around the header limitations, as seen below. I seen an old report on this, but it hasn't been acted on
A function(s) to properly define headers and other API variables would be great!
void SendTestAPICall() { string testData = "HelloWorld"; string exampleBearer = "123456"; string url = "<SNIP>?testdata=" + testData; string headers = "application/json\r\nUser-Agent: Some_Example\r\nAuthorization: Bearer " + exampleBearer; RestContext ctx = GetRestApi().GetRestContext(url); ctx.SetHeader(headers); ctx.POST(new RestCallback, "", ""); ctx.GET(new RestCallback, ""); }