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Suggestion for Improvement: Parameter for specifying the path to the keys directory in DayZ Server
Feedback, NormalPublic


Dear Bohemia Interactive team,

I am an active user of your DayZ servers. First of all, I would like to thank you for the work you have done and the support you provide to your community.

I have a suggestion that I believe will enhance the experience of managing DayZ game servers. Currently, there are various parameters available for launching the server that allow for the configuration of many aspects of its operation. However, there is a lack of a parameter that would allow specifying the path to the directory containing public signature keys.

Why is this important?

On a single physical server, I run multiple game servers and use a single directory containing the server downloaded via SteamCMD. This significantly simplifies management of installations and saves resources (both disk space and download time). Each server uses a unique set of modifications, and having the keys for all mods in a common directory creates redundancy. This not only increases the load on the A2S_RULES response, which contains key data, but could also potentially impact security.

Adding a parameter, for example, -KeysPath=/server/keys_2, that allows specifying a custom path to the directory with keys would greatly simplify server setup and make server management more efficient.

I am confident that this change would be beneficial for many users, and I believe the development of this option should not impose significant costs on your end.

Thank you for considering my suggestion. I hope for a positive response and feedback.


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The question isn't how to workaround this. I can even patch the server binary if necessary. The server already has configuration parameters for loading missions, mods, Battleye, profiles, and storage from different locations — everything is implemented except for one thing: loading keys. We're just a bit short of reaching the ideal solution!

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 6 2025, 11:47 AM