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[ Experimental] BRDM-2 Reconnaissance Vehicle Commander's Spotlight and Head Movement Has Same Keybinds If Turned Out [FEEDBACK]
Feedback, NormalPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number: Experimental
Modded?: No
Issue Description: When the commander of a BRDM-2 Reconnaissance Vehicle turns out, the A and D keys that control the spotlight become the same controls for head movement. The controls work fine when looking in the same direction as the spotlight, but when attempting to aim the spotlight at a particular point when facing a different direction, the player will unintentionally turn their head away from that point. While not necessarily a bug, I wanted to provide feedback since the controls can both feel strange and enable the commander's head to become backwards facing relative to his body when in first-person.

Example of Controls Feeling Normal:

Example of Controls Feeling Strange:


Operating System
Windows 11 x64

Event Timeline

HavocHound renamed this task from [ Experimental] BRDM-2 Reconnaissance Vehicle Commander's Spotlight and Head Movement Has Same Keybinds If Turned Out to [ Experimental] BRDM-2 Reconnaissance Vehicle Commander's Spotlight and Head Movement Has Same Keybinds If Turned Out [FEEDBACK].Dec 21 2024, 2:44 AM
HavocHound updated the task description. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 6 2025, 2:51 PM