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Using sessionLoad on Conflict Gamemode causes compositions to disappear
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Game Version number:
Modded?: No

Issue Description: Loading a save on the {9DF143A76F5C6460}worlds/MP/CTI_Campaign_Eden.ent scenario (Conflict Everon) using -loadSession, causes all spawned in compositions to be hidden / despawn. They are present in the world (interaction via Gamemaster is possible) but they can either only be seen partially or not at all and cannot be interacted with a character. Compositions that are in progress of being built have their "construction site" frame show up, but once they are fully built (I only attempted with GM) they also disappear.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Version 10.0.22631 Build 22631
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Create a server on Windows Server (any platform should be OK)
  2. Launch server for the first time, join and wait for the first save to be saved in AReforgerMaster > profile > .save > sessions.
  3. Assuming is the file saved, load it with -loadSession
  4. Restart the server.
  5. If save has loaded, rejoin server and spawn in.
  6. Try to interact with Command Tent or any other built composition.
Additional Information

When setting a composition under construction to 100% built, an error is logged to console.

scripts/Game/Entities/Preview/SCR_EditablePreviewEntity.c:165 Function GetPreviewEntries#806289
scripts/Game/Entities/Preview/SCR_EditablePreviewEntity.c:204 Function GetPreviewEntries#806289
scripts/Game/Entities/Preview/SCR_EditablePreviewEntity.c:116 Function GetPreviewEntriesFromEditableEntity
scripts/Game/Entities/Preview/SCR_EditablePreviewEntity.c:46 Function SpawnPreviewFromEditableEntity
scripts/Game/Entities/Preview/SCR_RefPreviewEntity.c:27 Function SpawnAndApplyReference
scripts/Game/Building/SCR_CampaignBuildingLayoutComponent.c:238 Function SpawnComposition
scripts/Game/Building/SCR_CampaignBuildingLayoutComponent.c:143 Function EvaluateBuildingStatus
scripts/Game/Building/SCR_CampaignBuildingLayoutComponent.c:355 Function SetBuildingValue
scripts/Game/Editor/Containers/Attributes/SCR_SetBuildingProgressEditorAttribute.c:54 Function WriteVariable
scripts/Game/Editor/Components/Editor/SCR_AttributesManagerEditorComponent.c:397 Function ConfirmEditingServer
  SCRIPT    (E): Virtual Machine Exception
Reason: Division by zero
Function: 'GetLocalScale'

Event Timeline

Toedeli created this task.Dec 18 2024, 1:52 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Dec 18 2024, 9:54 AM